Technology has evolved to fit into the palms of our hands. Each year mobile devices gain more and more of the overall traffic coming to your website. In some cases, as much as 50% of your overall visitors view your website on their handheld devices.
This makes having a mobile ready website, often referred to as a “Responsive” site, a must in today’s market. If your website has static widths and small text it can be near impossible to navigate from a screen as small as a cell phone. This results in a customer leaving your site as quickly as they landed on it.
This is something that we account for with our SEO Plugin. If your website is mobile friendly then our plugin will seamlessly integrate right into that structure, making our pages as beautiful as the rest of your website for your mobile visitors.
Big change is in the air for google. They strive to give their searchers the best user experience they can, so they of course wouldn’t want to show a non-mobile friendly website when someone uses their search on a mobile device. They will now be filtering their results for mobile searches to boost sites that are mobile friendly to the top of the results. If your site is mobile, this is a huge benefit, and you could enjoy a nice traffic increase. However, if you are still stuck with desktop only website then you will most certainly see a decline.